Legal Disclaimer

The name “Zurbarán Abogados” and its logo are registered trademarks and belong to Zurbarán Abogados. Any unauthorized use (without a previous or explicit authorization by the owning company) of the aforementioned logo or name is strictly forbidden.

The following conditions regulate the use of the the webpage, allowed to internet users by Zurbarán Abogados, con CIF. B-91806638 and registered office in C\ Don Ramón de la Cruz, 12, interior bajo B, 28001 Madrid (Spain). Please use the e-mail address and telephone number +34 919 996 996 where you can address your queries, requests and complaints.

The intellectual property rights of the webpage, design, navigation tree, database and all the contents’ elements are owned by Zurbarán Abogados, who is in charge of the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of the same in whatever form and in particular of the rights to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate and transform .

These general conditions rule the access to and use of the website (hereinafter “the Web”) which Zurbarán Abogados makes available to its clients, without prejudice to the special subscription o sale conditions of specific web contents.

Display, printing and partial download of web contents is hereby authorized only and exclusively provided that the following conditions occur:

  • Said activities are compatible with the Web’s scope.
  • Said activities are carried out with the sole intent to obtain the information  therein contained for personal or private use. Use for commercial purposes or for its distribution, communication to the public, transformation or decompiling is strictly forbidden.
  • None of the contents related to the Web are in any way altered.
  • No graphics, icon, or image available in the Web is used, copied, or distributed separately from the text or images thereto related. Zurbarán Abogados  reserves the option to carry out amendments and updates of all the information contained in the Web, of its configuration and of the Web’s display and of the conditions of access at any time and without previous notice.

Zurbarán Abogados does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in the access to the Web or its contents, nor that it will be necessarily updated. Zurbarán Abogados undertakes all and every efforts in order to repair errors, reinstate communication and update contents, as soon as notice of errors, disconnections or lack of actualization of contents is received, provided that causes that make said activity impossible or of very difficult implementation occur.

Access to the Web as well as unauthorized use of information therein contained is the exclusive responsibility of those carrying it out. Zurbarán Abogados will not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice which may derive from said access or use. Zurbarán Abogados is not liable for any security errors which may occur or for  damage which may be caused to the users’ IT system (hardware and software), or to archives or documents stored in the system as a consequence of:

  • The presence of a virus in the users’ computer which may be used to connect to Web services contents.
  • A browser’s malfunctioning.
  • An incorrect use of the browser’s versions which may not be updated.

Zurbarán Abogados does not take any liability which may derive from contents   linked from the Web, as long as they are outside contents, nor does it guarantee freedom from viruses or other elements which may produce alterations in the IT system (hardware and software), in the users’ documents or archives, excluding any liability for damage whatsoever caused to the users for this reason.

Should the users, clients or third parties, consider that the contents, the services rendered in or the pages it links to, are illicit or damage in any way goods or rights of the same users, clients or third parties and are likely to be compensated, shall get in contact with Zurbarán Abogados, through some of the medias already listed as long as they consist in:

  • Activities or contents likely to be considered criminal according to Spanish criminal law.
  • Activities or contents which may infringe intellectual or industrial property rights .
  • Activities or contents which may harm law enforcement, criminal investigation, public security or national defense.
  • Activities or contents which may harm protection of public health, people’s respect or dignity and the principle of non discrimination and protection of health and childhood.

Zurbarán Abogados is the owner of the industrial rights referred to its products or services. With reference to the quotation of products, contents or services of third parties and associates, Zurbarán Abogados recognizes the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights to their owners, the sole reference or appearance in the Web not implying the existence of rights or any liability whatsoever on the part of Zurbarán Abogados, over the same, neither support,patronage or recommendation by Zurbarán Abogados except when expressly given.

Unauthorized use of the information contained in the Web, its retail, and the infringement of all Intellectual and Industrial property rights of Zurbaran Abogados will give rise to legally established liabilities.

The General Conditions listed in this document are governed by Spanish law. Zurbarán Abogados, Web’s users and any other person or entity which may use or hire any services provided in the same, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, without prejudice to the jurisdiction assigned to by the law, hereby accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Seville for the resolution of any dispute whatsoever arising from the interpretation, application, or compliance with these Conditions as well as any claim deriving from their use.